Time to prune your trees

The perfect time to prune a tree is approaching; your tree will grow in the best way and give your garden a better appearance.

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When you should prune your tree?

 The best time to prune a tree is when temperatures drop, as the trees begin to produce less sap.

Avoid doing it during spring-summer since the tree will be in production season.

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Types of tree prune

1- Maintenance: for health or to promote its growth, and prun the branches that disrupt their surroundings.

2-Significant pruning: if the tree is in a critical state, many branches need to pruned due to the weakened state of the tree. Be careful with this type of pruning; some trees do not support.

3-Pruning for orientation or shape: it is for trees whose purpose is to bear fruit or shade; the branches are cutt off to follow an specific shape to control their height and foliage.

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How to prun the tree?

1- Analyze the shape of the tree and the shape you want to achieve; start by cutting the diseased branches

2- You must cut branches that intersect and free space for air to circulate. It prevents the formation of fungi and diseases.

3- Give it the shape you want, and prevent them from interfering with the wiring or from coming across any nearby object.

4- Make two cuts, the first to remove the branch, it must be made several inches from the trunk. This will prevent you from being hurt by the weight when cutting the trunk.

5- Make a second clean; cut on the neck of the branch. It will help to heal faster.

6- Clean pruning tools. If any branch has a disease or fungus, this can cause the rest to become infected.

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