Learn to fertilize the lawn. Here we teach you how:

If you want your lawn to prosper, you need to consider the elements that can help its development. Give it the correct nutrients, and it will have a greenish and healthy color.

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Learn to fertilize the lawn. Here we teach you how: 5

Why fertilize the lawn?

The main reason that not all soils are suitable for grass is due to the lack of nutrients that needs for its development. Especially the lack of nitrogen will wither chlorosis, and it will turn yellow.

It also causes its density to decrease and does not give it a leafy appearance. Using fertilizer helps to enrich this soil and allows it to counteract these effects.

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Learn to fertilize the lawn. Here we teach you how: 6

Types of fertilizers:

The use of fertilizers will help prevent diseases in our lawns and will allow the reduction of its maintenance.
Among the available options, there are several; choose the one that best suits your needs.

Liquid fertilizers:

It is excellent if you want a quick application. When applied together with water, it guarantees rapid absorption. Do it with a frequency of 15 to 25 days.

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Learn to fertilize the lawn. Here we teach you how: 7

Granulated fertilizers:

Applied quickly on the lawn, this will penetrate the earth. Choose between fast and slow-reacting fertilizers.


For nitrogen-based fertilizers’ fast reaction, be careful not to overuse them, as these can burn the grass or speed up growth too much.

If the nitrogen-based fertilizer is slow-reaction, it will remain longer in the soil and help the lawn without the risk of saturating it.

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Learn to fertilize the lawn. Here we teach you how: 8
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