Gardens that need little watering

A trending garden and a sustainable garden are what xerolandscape offers you. It is a type of garden focused on plants that do not need much watering and will give your garden a great appearance.

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Gardens without water:

It arose idea in the 90s to avoid wasting water in more arid areas. Choosing xerophytic plants to decorate your garden is an excellent option since these have a higher efficiency than other plants in terms of saving water and nutrients.

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Xerophyte plants:

• Acacia spp or acacia

• Cupressus sempervirens or cypress

• Lagerstroemia indica or Jupiter tree

• Brachychiton populneum or braquiquito

• Quercus ilex or holm oak

• Punica granatum or pomegranate

• Ficus carica or fig tree

• Olea europea or olive tree

• Juniperus thurifera or sabina albar Palms

• Chamaerops humilis or heart of palm

• Phoenix dactilifera or date palm xeric shrubs

• Madroño unedo or madroño

• Lavender or lavender

• Myrtus communis or myrtle

• Nerium oleander or oleander

• Rosmarinus officinalis or rosemary

• Thymus vulgaris or thyme

• Manihot esculenta or yuka or cassava succulents or succulents

• Agave lechuguilla or agave

• Aloe succoring or aloe

• Opuntia sp. your opuntia

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Tips for xerophytic gardens:

Tips for xerophytic gardens:

1-Install a drainage system to avoid stagnant water.

2-Make sure before planting that the substrate is sandy or suitable for the type of plant.

3-avoid excessive watering.


 4-prioritize place the plants that require the same amount of irrigation in the same area.

5-The best thing that can be done in this type of landscaping is to avoid overloading the garden, allow it to stand out, and add elements that provide freshness, such as water fountains.

6-Complement the landscape with rocks and paths that allow you to change the landscape with different textures.

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