Decorate your garden with climbing plants

A great idea to decorate your garden are climbing plants; with the help of different techniques can be used in landscaping in different ways. For these plants to develop and show their full potential, they need functionality and aesthetics.
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Decorate your garden with climbing plants 5

Tips to take care of climbing plants in your garden

1-Since some types of climbing plants can be aggressive with walls, you must choose the species carefully and where you want them to cling.

2-In order for climbing plants to grow in the best way, water them 4th times a week.

3-Fertilize the land where they are planted from time to time. Every 15 days in warm months, at least once a month in autumn.

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Decorate your garden with climbing plants 6

Choose the place where they will grow with anticipation:

1-Supports or bars

There are many of these that are decorative; they will give your garden attractiveness. It is possible the use of various materials, from wood to metal. You can find arches for vines, obelisk-shaped supports or stereoscopic trellis.

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Decorate your garden with climbing plants 7

2-To adhere them to the walls.

 They can stick to climbing plants that have pads and stick naturally or we can make other species that can decorate our walls. You can use nails, hooks, and rings. Use a guide wire for the plant as support, and it will grow in the direction we want.

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Decorate your garden with climbing plants 8

 Finally, once you have in mind the place where you want the climber, you will be able to choose the species more easily. Look for one whose way of growing is what you are looking for and whose care allows you to maintain the desired shape. Some will be more adventurous than others, although the beauty of your garden will be guaranteed.

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