Learn to prune and care for your rose bushes in February:

Rose bushes are one of the favorite plants for gardens; in addition to blooming in the best way, they do not need much care. Their variety of species allows them to adapt to many climates and vary in color to suit your tastes.

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Learn to prune and care for your rose bushes in February: 7

Although the cares are not much, fertilize and know when to water them, this can make a difference in their flowering, the quality of your roses, and how healthy they look. Of course, pruning must be careful so as not to damage the plant.

Rosebush pruning:

Prune the rose bushes needs to do it in winter, specifically at the end of this; this will allow them to prepare for the flowering season in spring. February is the ideal month to do it. By doing so, it will make the most of the capacity of our rose bush.

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Learn to prune and care for your rose bushes in February: 8

Advantages of pruning rose bushes:

Better flowering; allows larger flowers to reproduce better.

The plant is kept in better health thanks to removing diseased plants.

Prevent the bush from invading other nearby plants by limiting their growth.

We keep the perfect size for our rose bush.

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Learn to prune and care for your rose bushes in February: 9

How to prune rose bushes in February:

1-Remove dead leaves: these leaves that have stuck in the previous season. You also have to get rid of dry branches and those less healthy (which show signs of decay).

2-Cut the branches that grow inside: to prevent them from crossing with others and hinder their growth; to ventilate and prevent the development of fungi.

3-Cut the height of the rosebush: most rosebushes allow a fairly considerable cut; however better cut up to half its size.

4-Part of the branch for pruning: identify the buds of the rose bush; they are generally areas of a lighter or different color, and look for one that grows outwards and cut it 1 inch above.

5-cut: it must be clean and with an angle of 45 degrees. Use products to seal the cut to prevent the spread of parasites.

6-to finish: clean the rest of the plant from the soil, and after three weeks, fertilize the plant with fertilizer.

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Learn to prune and care for your rose bushes in February: 10

Tools for pruning rose bushes:

-Gardening gloves to protect hands from thorns.

-Pruning shears, preferably with a curved blade.

-Pruning sealer (optional)

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Learn to prune and care for your rose bushes in February: 11

Care for transplanting rose bushes:

Use specific soil for planting. The type of soil it needs is acidic soil rich in organic matter.

When transplanting to the ground, open a large hole; so the roots will develop better.

If it is in a pot, make sure it is a big pot.

Watering must be abundant; however, prioritize watering the soil directly to avoid the formation of fungi.

Fertilize periodically, especially during spring and summer.

Carry out formation and cleaning pruning.

In the hottest periods, rose bushes often suffer from powdery mildew. For this reason, we advise you to spray them every 15 days with a specific fungicide. These fungicides are preventative and curative.

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Learn to prune and care for your rose bushes in February: 12
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